Juan Diego Pérez la Cruz is a Venezuelan-born architect and artist with a Master's degree in Visual Communication from the University of Zulia. He has participated in numerous exhibitions, including The 8th and 9th Biennial of Documentary Photography in Tucumán, the Biennial 67 Arturo Michelena, and the 1st meeting of deaf art in Chile. He won the 1st place in the art fellowship and artist residency of the Tres Pinos Foundation in Buenos Aires and has participated in art residencies in Mexico and Iceland. From 2018 to 2020, he served as the coordinator of the artist program Marco Arte Foco at the Museum of Contemporary Art of La Boca in Buenos Aires. Currently based in Minnesota, he runs the PLATAFORMA RAIZ educational program, empowering Latino and migrant artists and passing on his knowledge to the next generation.

Fundacion Cazadores.
Merit Scholarship
Clínica de Arte / Art Critic Program
Mentor: Manuel Amestoy.
A path of sustained exploration over time that accompanies the construction of a personal artistic language investigates the methods and processes of work, encourages the development of individual strategies, and accompanies the formulation of questions about the work itself, in connection with other creators. This program is in charge of a team of teachers—artists and curators from various disciplines and with extensive careers, the Cazadores Clinic proposes a rhythm and a place to deepen one's own work and make it dialogue with the theoretical discourses and practices of contemporaneity. At the same time, it offers a space for exchange and collaboration among peers, and the possibility of participating in collective exhibitions.
Movimiento Aparente exhibition.
Apparent movement is that sensation of movement that the stars give in the sky, and that is actually illusory. We know that it is our bodies anchored to the body of our planet that move the most in this cosmic rotation. How many variables, how many elements, how much complexity there is behind these apparent movements that are so natural to us.
Manuel Ameztoy.
Universidad del Zulia.
Master's degree in Visual Communications.
Thesis: Public space as a cultural experience. Analysis of the artistic interventions in public space in the city of Maracaibo / El espacio público como experiencia cultural Análisis de las intervenciones artísticas en el espacio público en la ciudad de Maracaibo.
Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín.
Professional improvement program Teaching for university education / Programa de perfeccionamiento profesional Docencia para la educación universitaria.
Escuela Nacional de Artes plásticas Julio Arraga.
Experimental drawing and painting.
Escuela Nacional de Artes plásticas Julio Arraga.
Escuela Nacional de Artes plásticas Julio Arraga.
Drawing and painting diploma.
Universidad del Zulia / Centro de estudios avanzados CEDIC
Universidad Rafael Urdaneta.
Artist residency programs.
Fundacion Tres Pinos / Centro Cultural Borges.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Curator: Massimo Scaringella
Art residence and art fellowship.
Mentor: Juan Astica.
Guapamacátaro art and ecology
Michoacan, México.
Curator: Alicia Marván
Universidad Rafael Urdaneta.
Architecture School.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Marco Arte Foco artists residency program and Museum Coordinador.
- Promote an environment focused on the productivity and promotion of the studio artist.
- Working with contemporary artists, helping develop their projects for the studio residency and future ones
- Develop projects and ideas with artists and curator director.
- Review the exhibition and the applicant's proposals.
- Collaborate with the museography, media design, assembly, and exhibition dismantling.
- Achieve a relevant cultural network with the different entities and schools in La Boca art district.
- Create new opportunities for artists for their professional growth, such as exchange in artist residency programs with NES.
- Grantee the physical condition and safe use of the museum space and installations.
- Develop a video and photo record of contemporary artists.
- Create and consolidated new ways to connect the artist with the community.
- Architectural design and evaluations for the museum and artist.
- Development material for the education department
- Graphic design for the printing material.
Artists 2018/2019:
Alfredo Dufour
Carlos Cima
Carolina Martínez Pedemonte
Cecilia Azniv Lutufyan
Laura Ojeda Bӓr (Marco exchange artist)
María Sábato
Matías Ercole
Mauricio Poblete. La Chola
Artists 2019/2020:
Gaspar Acebo
Carolina Boettner
Martin Fernández
Samantha Ferro
Alfredo Frías
Bruno del Giudice
Agustín González Goytia
Andrés Lima
Matías Malizia
Ramiro Quesada Pons
Stefano Serreta
Javier Vázquez Soria
Candela Sotos
Melisa Zulberti
Guillaume BD (NES exchange artist).
Errata, Jorge Caterbetti
Entre, artist MARCO ARTE FOCO.
Cosas que ojo no vio, Gabriel Chaile.
Cover , Artist program Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
El liquen que levitó, Domique Arieu.
Participante con obras fotográficas y video de la exposición de resultados del Laboratorio de arte y violencia de Genero, Mónica Mayer. Lorena Wolffer. Diana Schufer . Ana Gallardo. Proyecto de María Laura Rosa.
Enlightening – Iluminarse, María Bouquet.
Coordinación de la exposición Oro, espíritu y naturaleza de un territorio, Pedro Ruiz Embajada de Colombia.
No me digas entiendo, Alfredo Dufour.
Las teorías conspirativas de mi familia, Carlos Cima.
La dimensión del punto // fugaz. Camilo Aguirre, Marcelo Velásquez, Miguel Escobar, William Narváez.
Quimeras- Fantasmas del delta. William Narváez.
Siempre rinde más, Casa Suiza de La Boca.
Sempre legato, Cecilia Lutufyan.
La imagen definitiva, Ramiro Quesada Pons.
Venus Perversa. Kenny Lemes.
Rep(úb)lica, Alexis Minkiewicz / Performance Insurrección by Silvio Lang.
Conceptos, Guillermo Mordillo.
- General Drawing 1 (Dibujo General I) - Prepare classes taking into consideration the official university program together with practical exercises and assignments. - First contact with sketching for architecture. - The line, the point, and the stain as the basis of the drawing. - Creativity drawing exercises.
- General Drawing 2 (Dibujo General II) - Color theory, Psychology, and mixed media applications. - Space flow diagrams applied to architecture. - Design by generating concept and spatial appropriation applied to the architectural sketch. - the first draft to understand a house with the specifications of its inhabitants. - recommendations for project presentation.
- Expression Techniques (Técnicas de Expresión) - Use of the model as a design resource. - three-dimensional expressive materials and studies. - experiments with the form, floor, facades, and terrain.
- Applied Photography (Fotografía Aplicada) - Fundamentals of photography, the camera, and lighting. - Analysis of the photographic image and composition of the image. - Semiotic and visual rhetoric. - Practical tasks and presentation of renowned photographers. and develop a photo portfolio.
Thesis tutoring:
- Parque biblioteca municipal, en el Barrio Bolívar de Maracaibo, como integrador de la zona sur de la ciudad a la red de bibliotecas públicas del estado Zulia. Anabel María Abreu Vento. 20/20.
- Parque biblioteca municipal, en el Barrio Bolívar de Maracaibo, como integrador de la zona sur de la ciudad a la red de bibliotecas públicas del estado Zulia. Verónica Carolina Marcano González. 20/20.
- Centro Residencial con atención integral para personas de la tercera edad, en la parroquia Santa Lucia, en el Municipio Maracaibo del Estado Zulia. Marianna Sofía del Negro Gutiérrez. 18/20
- Centro Residencial con atención integral para personas de la tercera edad, en la parroquia Santa Lucia, en el Municipio Maracaibo del Estado Zulia. Rebeca de Cuba Diaz.. Honor mention. 20/20
- Centro de alto rendimiento para la disciplina del futbol, campo integrado a un parque urbano en la Parroquia Chiquinquirá del Municipio Maracaibo. Verónica Beatriz González Padrón. 20/20
- Sede física de la Facultad Experimental de Artes (FEDA) de Luz con integración de la escuela Nepalí Rincón. Irisbel Carolina Prieto García. Honor recognition. 20/20
Fundación WIN / Colegio los Apamates.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Liceo Los Robles.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Artistic Expression teacher.
- Art teacher for children between 5 to 10. - Present individual progress report to the team of Psychopedagogy experts. -Document and create projects in various media suitable for each age. - Help other teachers with special activities. - Coordinate monthly meetings with parents.
Artistic Expression teacher.
- Creator of complementary art classes. -Curricular planning annually and by age group. - Art teacher for children between the ages of 5 to 17. - Creation of special projects that involve new media.